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Plan On Having The Best Weekend In The History Of Parental Visits

(10/23/09 3:00pm)

Man, this weekend is going to be OFF THE CHAIN. Ever since we got that first Thanksgiving invite to sit at the grown-ups table, we have loved, loved, loved hanging with adults. And since Family Weekend starts today, they're going to be everywhere! Walking around on Locust, taking their kids to Marathon, buying piles and piles of crap at the bookstore. So much fun! If that wasn't awesome enough, Penn's planned some sweet family activities. Check out the full schedule here and our picks for what you should hit up below.

Parents Have So Many Questions For Admissions Dean Eric Furda

(10/22/09 7:00pm)

The Choice is not something we have an easy time reading. We struggled through the college admissions process, and everything turned out great but, man, it is not easy to hear about it now! It's what it must be like for an alien abduction victim to read an alien abduction blog. They must say, "Living through the beaming up and the poking and the prodding on the ship was enough, so no thank you, we do not need to read about how abductions are going these days." Totally the same thing! That's why we don't check in very often.

RPI Explains This Global Pandemic Using Words We Understand

(10/13/09 7:02pm)

You can try to stop Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute students from partying, but they love getting crunk to the power of wasted all divided by what-a-blackoutrageous-night (NERDS). But swine flu, the ultimate party pooper, started ruining their buzz and the administration needed to step in. According to the New York Post,

Search For The Greatest Hall Theme: Michael Jackson Hall

(10/13/09 4:00pm)

If there's one thing we have in common with Residential Advisors, it's a love of crafting. As we roam the halls of your residential buildings, putting glasses up to doors and sniffing around for stories (and snacks), we can't help but notice the fine decorating and crafting being done by our school's RAs. However, only one hall can be the best and we NEED to know which hall it is, so it is essential we embark on a Search For The Greatest Hall Theme. Today's Hall: Harrison, 1st Floor.

What An Ir-Fine Fall Concert Lineup

(10/08/09 4:01am)

Irvine Auditorium is such a sweet place to see anything, so we are really pumped to announce that SPEC is bringing The Walkmen to perform there on November 6th. They're so cool and critically-acclaimed! Jangly internet darlings The Pains of Being Pure At Heart will open, and might be the most exciting part of this announcement. We caught them Monday at the First Unitarian Church and they put on such a tight, energetic show with so many shout-outs to the lead singer's mom. ROCK AND ROLL. We know you're trying to buy tickets RIGHT NOW but here is what SPEC says about that: Tickets will be sold on Locust Walk starting on Wednesday, October 21 from 11 to 4 each day and will be available through day of show.  Tickets may also be purchased online at upenn.tickets.musictoday.com starting at the end of this week.  Tickets are available for $10 for Penn students and $15 to the general public.   Doors for the concert will open at 8:00 pm and the performance is scheduled to begin at 8:30. We have less than a month to memorize all of their lyrics so let's start with this and that for the Walkmen and these two for the Pains and meet up on November 6th to annoy everyone around us just trying to enjoy the concert with our beautiful, beautiful voices.

Wow, Ivy Leaguers Can Be The Worst Sometimes

(10/06/09 3:00pm)

Last week, the New York Times wrote about this thing called the Ivy Plus Society. Basically, a bunch of single ladies and guys who went to prestigious universities get together to network and bat eyelashes at one another. Anyone can pay the $15 and show up, but those without the proper pedigree will probably be cold shouldered and snobby-commented right out the door. You can read all about the Society here. Thankfully, no Penn alums are featured in the article, but as an Ivy League school, we can't help but feel guilty and gross by association. Let's take a look at some quotes.

It's The Perfect Video

(10/05/09 4:01pm)

The last time we got atchyou with election coverage, print was still all the rage. But look out, Kasia "Fierce," because MJ Gitter just tore down your trillions of posters in one fell swoop. Don't get us wrong, MJ has posters too. Oh GOD does she have posters. But more importantly, she has a video. If you haven't seen it, that's weird. Watch it toute de suite!

Where In Philadelphia Is This Terrence Howard Billboard?

(09/25/09 2:00pm)

Do you see that billboard? Look at that billboard. It is a Terrence Howard Reminder™ that You Gotta Wash Your Hands and also that Terrence Howard Is The Best. But the most amazing part is that it's located somewhere in Philadelphia! Our question is: where? We want to invite the cupcake truck to it and have the most wonderful party in its thoughtful, informative shadow. If you know anything, help us out! (Image via Best Week Ever)
