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AC360 to Grace Us With His Presence

(09/18/08 5:16am)

Silver fox Anderson Cooper will be SPEC Connaissance's fall speaker, the DP reports, and let us be the first to respond to that news with a hearty "hell yeah!" Aside from just existing in this world as his generally adorable self, Anderson's accomplishments include Emmy awards, bestselling books, and hosting beloved reality series The Mole.  Good choice, SPEC!  Now get back to work, only six months left to fight over which crappy band should play Fling '09.

Adventures on U(LOL)penn.edu

(09/17/08 5:10am)

We do not visit our University's illustrious homepage often, but the past few times we've stopped by, we've noticed that some of the background images we had gotten used to are gone.  Where art thou, intense girl staring into a laptop at Van Pelt?  And what became of that two-seasons-old picture of the smily cheerleaders?  They have been replaced with a new collection of vaguely academic images--boy in lab coat holding up glass tubey thing!  Diverse groups of students thoroughly enjoying walking down steps!  Penn has conveniently posted a captioned gallery of said images here.  We couldn't help but think that some of them were ripe for a little LOLPenn-ification.  Our best creations are after the jump; send yours in here.

The Economy (and therefore, Wharton) Going Down in Flames

(09/16/08 1:49am)

Our understanding of the current state of the economy is essentially a picture of a downward-sloping arrow (see fig. 1), but you know things must be bad when even the right-wing voodoo economists of The Wharton School are holding a teach-in.  Check out the e-mail Dean Robertson just sent out to all Wharton faculty and students:

In praise of 'Philadelphia'

(09/16/08 12:37am)

Did any of you catch Philadelphia on AMC yesterday or today? The cable network's had the movie on rotation lately to celebrate its 15th anniversary.  Yes, it's been 15 years since Tom Hanks won the first of his back-to-back Oscars, and let us all pause for a moment to revel in the amazingness that was early-to-mid-'90s Tom Hanks.  But that's just the first of many reasons that Philadelphia is an awesome movie.  As you must know, its representation of AIDS, homosexuality and discrimination was groundbreaking, and it's got a kick-ass Springsteen themesong to boot.  And we would be remiss if we didn't trot out the oft-repeated tidbit that a scene was shot at our very own Fisher Fine Arts Library.  If we remember the admissions tour spiel correctly, they had to move out all the art books and bring in legal ones to make the space look more like a law library.  Movie magic, everyone!  Also, if our memory continues to be reliable, Tom Hanks's character is a Penn Law grad, and everyone's favorite former Philly mayor and Penn alum Ed Rendell has a cameo.  So yes, we recommend that you watch Philadelphia next time it's on.  Check out listings on AMC's website.
