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Ditch The Gym For Gin And Tonics

(09/08/11 3:38pm)

Have you ever been torn between Pilates and piña coladas? Stuck in a mental war with weights and whiskey? Don't know whether you want down dog or Dogfish Head? Annoying alliteration aside (ha ha), ignoring the Ivy League guilt of productivity--both academically and physically--for the sake of happy hour can be difficult. However, a recent study could make that choice much easier.

Get On This Jawn

(08/26/11 8:20pm)

If you (like us) looked at this title and were all, "wtaf is a jawn?" you're not alone. According to the most reliable source ever, "jawn" is a word created by Philadelphians to replace the name of any "thing" they can't remember. Examples of words jawn can replace: bar, store, song, your grandma's dead cat, genital warts, etc.

Choose Your Cheesesteak Wisely

(08/22/11 6:30pm)

If you've been in Philadelphia for longer than 20 seconds, there's a good chance you've come in contact with at least one restaurant serving cheesesteaks. As the city's unofficial mascot, cheesesteaks represent the ultimate unifying experience: entering your chosen place of fine whiz dining as a farewell to your juice cleanse, waiting in a line full of people checking their email for the 30th time this hour and the climactic moment when the cashier, your new best friend, hands over that hot, foil-wrapped ticket to heaven. Think it can't get any better? Think again.

Is Soup The New Cupcake?

(08/15/11 2:51pm)

Soup. One word, so many possibilities. So many possibilities that have yet to grace our campus' premises, that is. Between Houston's over-creamed, undersexed rendition of Corn Chowder (which is sadly delicious for those very reasons) and Quiznos' lukewarm chili, something's missing that not even an endless loop of Soup Nazi jokes can amend. But wait! Not anymore (maybe).

Lost And Found: Creepy Warehouse Edition

(07/20/11 1:51pm)

Remember those seven crackberries you accidentally threw on the ground puked on lost over the course of Fling? How about that camera you swore was in your purse but somehow got abducted by an invisible force of nature (definitely not your fault)? Though you've long since progressed through the five stages of grief (denial, anger, bargaining, depression and begging your parents for a new one), a nearby warehouse may still be holding your lost items hostage.

Philly Gives 'Drug Money' A New Meaning

(07/11/11 4:37pm)

We've all seen(/have been) that kid: you know, the one in Wawa wearing sunglasses to hide his bloodshot eyes, wondering, "shit, do I want the BBQ chips or the mint mocha milkshake?" and dripping buffalo sauce all over his Sperry's. And as long as he's not carrying any pot on him, hey, rock on bro--you're totally legal. However, a recently implemented Philadelphia program has eased up even more on marijuana, giving us hella reasons to celebrate (and pretend we're cool enough to say 'hella').

(07/08/11 3:13pm)

Don't forget-- the Vendy Awards, aka battle of the food trucks, is this Saturday from 3-7 p.m. Check out this list (ugh, we know) of who's got the best and worst odds of winning, and let us know what you think!
