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Penn Law's Own PresiDescendant

(02/18/13 2:00pm)

Theodore Roosevelt was the coolest-ever American president.  He went skinny dipping in the Potomac, was the first President to leave the country while in office, had a killer moustache, and inspired the teddy bear. Also, he once got shot in the chest while giving a speech, and FINISHED THE SPEECH before seeking medical aid. No wonder we put that gangsta on Mount Rushmore.

PA Governor Floats Liquor Overhaul

(01/31/13 6:45pm)

When it comes to liquor laws, Pennsylvania has always chosen to party like it's 1693. Until now! The DP reports that Governor Tom Corbett has proposed the privatization of alcohol sales, which are currently a government monopoly, within the Commonwealth. The suggested changes would result in the permitted sale of alcohol in supermarkets, double the amount of liquor stores, and an estimated $1 billion going to public schools over the course of four years. That last provision is somewhat of a surprise from a governor who has slashed public school funding while increasing prison funding...yeah, there's probably symbolism in there somewhere.

New Steiny-D Trellis Made of Coney Island Boardwalk

(01/23/13 10:01pm)

In a very cool example of sustainable adaptive reuse, the new wooden trellis outside Steiny-D is made of salvaged wood from the recent, pre-Sandy reconstruction of the Coney Island boardwalk. Architect David Hollenberg says that the Ipe wood (dat botany!) is a serious improvement on the cedar that preceded it, which basically got destroyed by the charming climbing wisteria vines that gave the trellis its romantic whimsy. Get iped-up because the renovation will be complete this summer!

New (Old) Clothes Headed To Spruce

(01/21/13 6:00pm)

While Philadelphia fashion may be known for its vintage eclecticism, Penn's campus retail has always been a little more salmon shortsy. Until now! Racked Philly reports that Greene Street Consignment is headed to 3734 Spruce Street and will be opening in late February. Greene Street, which already has eight Philly-area locations, has a focus on high-quality and high-end secondhand threads, meaning you may still have to head to Buffalo Exchange for anything on a student budget.

Absence (Notifications) Make Our Hearts Grow Fonder

(01/09/13 8:15pm)

If you've ever had trouble putting the "over" in "hangover" in time for a Friday morning recitation, this one's for you.  Introduced yesterday in an email from Dean DeTurck, Penn's new Class Absence Reporting system on Penn Intouch allows students to inform teachers about missing class ahead of time and find out what work they'll need to catch up on.

Venture Capital Firm Moves In

(08/16/12 3:35pm)

New business development puts a twinkle in our Wharton-adjacent eye. So we were jazzed to read in Curbed Philly that a big VENTURE CAPITALIST firm is headed to the former bowling alley and current Keswick cycle building at 40th and Locust. The firm, called First Round Capital, is moving into University City from Conshohocken (which is crazy cuz why would anyone leave Conshohocken?!) and will set up shop in September. We wish them the best of luck doing all those things that venture capitalists obviously do!
