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A Mid-Finals/Hump Day Treat

(05/04/16 4:41pm)

It’s already Wednesday and your outlook for the next couple of days is starting to mimic the eerily dim weather outside. But you know what Wednesday also means? That finals ARE ALMOST OVER! Soon, it’ll officially be summer and you can head home, relax, and enjoy time with family and friends. And from May 27th-30th you’ll be lucky enough to experience a marathon of 100 Disney Channel Original Movies. Remember when Troy Bolton tried to balance his love of basketball and his love of musical theater and his social life all at once??? Relatable, huh.

The 30 Most Likely Dignitaries Coming To Graduation

(04/27/16 6:01pm)

Last week, Dean DeTurck sent an email to all CAS graduating seniors stating that “due to a number of dignitaries who are expected to be in attendance at the College Graduation Ceremony, graduating students will be asked to arrive early to Franklin Field.”  While there is absolutely no way at all to know who these special dignitaries will be, UTB has the inside scoop on the 30 most probable dignitaries that will be attending this year's College graduation!

Whartonite Pulls A Total Trump Move

(04/05/16 7:45pm)

A move right out of Big T's playbook. Clicking on www.whartonrejects.com will redirect you to the NYU Stern School of Business website. To whoever did this: Wharton is obviously one of the best business schools, so you don’t have to pull stuff like this to remind Stern students that they go to only the 20th best business school in the country (embarrassing!!!). I know it’s hard for Wharton students to understand what it means to be second-tier, so why don’t you put yourself in their shoes? What if you had to go Northwestern or Yale or Columbia or Duke for business school? Could you imagine how totally horrible that would be? Try to do a good deed today and be nice to the less fortunate. Don’t remind Stern students of their humiliating failure. Wharton didn’t create their Social Impact concentration for nothing!

New Law Requires You Look Even More Ridiculous On A Hoverboard

(02/25/16 8:00pm)

A new Philly law requires that you wear a helmet while riding a Hoverboard or else face a $25 fine. Now, we know this might be your worst fear: you thought you looked so damn cool, riding down Locust on your futuristic Hoverboard, attracting all the ladies with your trendsetting je ne sais quoi. And now you have to wear a clunky helmet! Ugh. It might suck, but make sure you stay safe like Amy Gutmann. Don’t ride a Hoverboard unless you wear a helmet. Or, better yet, don’t ride a Hoverboard at all.

Return Of The Locust Vaginas

(02/19/16 9:30pm)

Our favorite denizens of Locust Walk are back! Yep, if you’ve recently seen carefree vaginas prancing up and down Locust Walk, you know it’s Vag Mons season. And what does this mean? Two things: prospective students and their uptight East Coast parents taking tours of Penn for the first time are most likely horrified AND you can support the Penn V-Day Campaign to raise money for W.O.A.R.! So don’t make excuses to not donate- it’s cliterally SO easy.

Finally, Wharton Gets a Shoutout From Lizzie McGuire

(02/05/16 6:21pm)

Well, not really. But we can dream.  In the most recent episode of Younger, a very mediocre TV show that you’ve probably never heard of, an all-grown-up Lizzie McGuire and her friend mention uber-expensive “douche burgers” that are concocted by none other than graduates of your favorite and most préstigious business school. These fancy food-truck burgers are made with lobster, caviar, foie gras, and served in a gold leaf wrapper at a price worth one textbook ($600). They’re made by “Wharton graduates! Wacky MBAs”, exclaims Lizzie McGuire’s less-relevant friend. While the Penn community might be grateful for another shoutout, it’s a little disheartening that the Wharton legacy will be that of “douche burgers”. Though let’s not pretend that Penn isn’t filled with a ton of douche burgers already.

Be Careful: Your Neighborhood Chipotle May Have E. Coli!

(12/08/15 3:50pm)

Piling on some bad news to impending finals, crazy presidential candidates, and general chaos in today's world: the CDC has officially declared that Pennsylvania (that’s where we are!) has been added to the list of states reporting Chipotle-linked E. coli. It seems as if the taco gods have finally punished us for secretly pouring soda into the water cups.

Saxbys Officially Reopens

(11/09/15 2:58pm)

Sure, this weekend’s darty hopping was great and seeing your big big back from the real world was SO totally awesome. But we’ve got even better news that will hopefully brighten up your Monday: after extensive renovations, Saxbys is finally reopening! And as part of their grand opening, they’re serving free drip coffee and Cold Brew ALL DAY. The new space is sleeker, sexier, and reportedly has a lot more outlets for those who found it impossible to study at Saxbys in the past. Plus, the new café will have a large gallery space featuring artwork from Penn Fine Arts seniors. Props to Saxbaes for becoming a lot more Penn friendly! 

Homecoming 2015: Ten Penn Rivalries That Are More Intense Than Penn vs. Princeton

(11/06/15 6:00pm)

You’ve probably heard of Penn’s intense rivalry with Princeton, but do you know just how intense it is? Did you know that during Homecoming the two archenemies battle it out in a duel for Ivy League supremacy? You probably didn’t, so here are ten other Penn rivalries that put the Penn vs. Princeton rivalry into perspective:

Spotted: Alec Baldwin At Van Pelt!

(10/30/15 7:57pm)

Alec Baldwin, seminal silver fox and perpetually testy celebrity, just graced Van Pelt with his regal presence. “Future of Media” speaker event attendees: your chance to stare at Baldwin’s Mykonos-sky-blue eyes and hear his titillating, soothing voice is something others only dream of. While he probably said some Jack Donaghy-esque nonsense, we still envy the holy experience you must have had. Now, if only Tina will come to Penn next…

Chelsea Clinton Is Coming To Penn...Sort Of

(10/14/15 7:58pm)

Chelsea Clinton – Ivanka Trump’s counterpart and, strangely enough, secret bff – is coming to Penn! Well, kind of. Next week, Mrs. Clinton will be stopping by Penn for a summit held by Food Trust, an organization that encourages healthy food choices and expands access to affordable, nutritious food. According to Food Trust, the former first daughter will already be in Philly for a book tour.
