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Put Up A (Park)ing Lot

(09/16/11 7:55pm)

Park(ing) Day is here again! What is Park(ing) Day, you ask?  According to their website, It's an "annual, worldwide event" for tree-huggers everywhere to "transform metered parking spots into temporary parks for the public good."  In addition to the spot pictured above, there was one spotted over by Hill and another near FroGro.  Get out there and sit in the street!

Meet Your Fall Fest Performers: Holy Fuck

(09/12/11 5:52pm)

As announced this morning, the performers for this year's Fall Fest are Holy Fuck, a Canadian electronica band.  Never heard of them before, eh? They are known for producing all of their music live.  So rather than using a laptop with a prerecorded track like every other electronica group, they use toy keyboards and phaser guns, among other things, to produce sounds.  Watch some of their trippy music videos after the jump!

People Who Went To Penn: Mehmet Oz

(08/19/11 5:50pm)

In 1986, Mehmet Oz graduated from Penn with a joint MD-MBA.  Like just about every other student at Penn, Oz was a major overachiever.  He was Class President and later became President of the Student Body during medical school.  Post-med school, Dr. Oz began making tv appearances on Oprah and worked his way up to his own syndicated talk show (which you might catch part of if you ever decide to skip part of that 9AM class next semester).

Have You Created Your Startup Yet This Summer?

(07/28/11 2:52pm)

Startups are apparently the thing to do this summer! Smartling comes from the mind of a Penngineering alum.  This service allows you to pay for a sort of "app" you can build into your webpage to make it available in multiple languages.  If you want to see how it works, you can see it in action on Smartling's site, or on one of their clients, like Foursquare.

(07/15/11 5:05pm)

Potter-Mania! -- Remember that time the 2013 Class Board sold Harry Potter shirts to celebrate the release of a Harry Potter movie?  Well dust off your shirt and put it on because Potter-heads all over the world are going crazy for today's release of the final movie in the series.  Basically, it's the last time it will ever be relevant to wear your shirt!

Penngineer Uses Powers For Good

(07/05/11 1:13pm)

Engineering student Kevin Conley recently received a shoutout in the Wall Street Journal for a super-cool app he produced in a recent hackathon.  The app, SMS PersonFinder, can help people in a disaster area look for and provide information about missing people through their cell phones.  Conley's app works with a service provided by Google called Google Person Finder and has been praised by Google representatives.

Job Of A Lifetime

(06/19/11 6:05am)

Next time you check Student Employment Office website, instead of applying for a boring and traditional student job like "Office Assistant" or "Research Assistant" you may want to consider another alternative: Brand Ambassadress.  WorldWideWebWars Tournament is coming to Penn and lacks "sexy and business savvy" females.

Penn Ranks #3 On Business Insider

(06/09/11 1:12pm)

Rankings for The World's Best Business Schools came out yesterday and our very own Wharton has it in third--place. Business Insider, bragging like frat guys, claim to have developed "the true ranking of the top 50 schools" based on "how much a school will help your future career." Apparently, Penn grads leave with "unmatched rigor in training analytical and thoughtful leadership, [the] largest alumni network, [and] incredible global diversity." Basically, Penn rules, everyone else drools and Castle is probably second-tier!

How To Spend A Summer In Philly

(05/26/11 1:31pm)

Some of our favorite local spots in Philly got shout-outs this week in Yelp's Top 10 Guide To Summer In Philly. Everyone's favorite overpriced delicious gelato, Capogiro, came in at number seven and Clark Park's Flea Market came in at number four.  Unsurprisingly, going to a Phillies game tops the list at number one. But the real gem in Yelp's Top 10 Guide is their sponsor—the Pabst Blue Ribbion Philadelphia Rock Paper Scissors City League Championship Series.

Tuesday And Sunday Are For Suicide Prevention

(04/11/11 5:05pm)

This week, everyone is coming together to remember Owen Thomas and his contributions to the Penn community by spreading awareness in support of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention.  This Sunday, there will be "A Commemorative Walk in Honor of Owen Thomas" from 4 to 7 p.m. at Franklin Field., featuring several performing arts group.
