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New Seasonal Starbucks Menu To Come!: Vaccine Boost for 10¢ or Adderall Pump for 15¢

(02/27/21 5:05pm)

Starbucks recently announced that their upcoming seasonal menu will debut two new items that have yet to be seen in any of their stores. The coffee chain will soon be offering their customers the option of a Vaccine Boost to any drink for only an extra .10¢. More exciting, however, is the Adderall Pump for .15¢! 

Penn Is Forcing Meal Plans on Sophomores So that Dining Workers Are Paid More, Right?

(04/01/21 4:00am)

 Penn recently announced that it would force sophomores in the 2021-2022 school year to purchase meal plans. Generally, this decision has angered many sophomores, calling it a “blatant cash grab”. However, before we judge the school for grabbing money from children, we must understand the university’s motives.

Wellness Win! University Administration Claims We've Gotten Days off School

(03/01/21 2:23pm)

In a stunning win for student physical and mental wellbeing, the University of Pennsylvania administration has announced that students have actually already been getting days off school! Students everywhere rejoiced as they realized that in addition to not having any classes that meet on Fridays, they have also been given most Fridays off. 

Lonely? Buy Another Plant You Depressed Son of a Bitch

(02/25/21 5:59pm)

 Many students have felt alone this pandemic, but some students have found a cure for the isolated feelings in their heart. Instead of having real human interactions, many students have bought plants. “Succulents don’t break your heart like that bitch Alice does,” says beginner plant enthusiast Tyler. Some have commented that plants are even better than digital interactions, such as Facetime or Zoom, because “My monstera can’t leave me like everyone else.” 

Ego of the Weak: Kite and Key

(02/23/21 4:35am)

Welcome to Ego of the Weak, a new weekly segment here at Under the Button where we interview members of the most morally reprehensible, unnecessary, and borderline psychotic clubs on this pathetic campus. For our first installment, we’re sitting down with Kite & Key, Penn’s Tour Guide Society, to ask them who the fuck they think they are, and why the fuck we should care.

Heartwarming! Ted Cruz Boiled Mexican Tap Water In Solidarity

(02/22/21 6:45am)

Last week, Winter Storm Uri wreaked havoc on Texas, leaving millions without power and dozens dead. In the midst of this catastrophe, GOP Senator Ted Cruz came under fire for taking a last-minute trip to Cancún, Mexico, escaping his doomed home state. Although Cruz’s reputation took a hit, his team has successfully initiated damage control: the senator tweeted a photo op of himself loading bottled water into trunks with the inspiring caption “#TexasStrong,” and today it was revealed that Cruz took it upon himself to boil some water of his own—Mexican tap water from his Cancún resort—in solidarity with his fellow Texans.

Good Vibes 20% Effective Against UK Variant

(03/22/21 6:10am)

A recent study out of the University of Pennsylvania suggests that good vibes may statistically reduce the spread of coronavirus in individuals. The study consisted of a factorial design controlling for both the new South African and UK variants of Covid-19. The research conducted with 7 college-age students shows a real decrease in not just the spread of coronavirus, but in the severity of symptoms.

Fraternity Brother Tells Contact Tracer COVID Transmissible Through Zoom Lecture

(03/30/21 6:37pm)

Greek life has been falsely accused for the high Corona rates at Penn time and time again. Several of the frats on campus performed a study connecting virtual Zoom classes with transmission of the virus, not their in person events. The frats were sick and tired of the administration blaming them for “behaving irresponsibly” and they were determined to use their Ivy League minds to push the blame onto someone else. 
