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Elections, Real People Edition


Generally, we prefer our elections Youtube-ified and carrying the promise of Dining Dollars at Wawa. But for you tools PennDems people who argue with the professor about the Constitution who are interested in bureaucracy outside our bubble, the PA election results are tricklin' in right about now.

We know, right, an election in May? Don't bother pretending, you had no idea either. It was only a primary, but some super dramatic stuff is going down (SPOILER ALERT: Arlen Specter's gonna lose! Hope there's footage of old dudes crying)!

We could wait until 100% of the precincts are reporting, but there are some strange places in the middle of nowhere, PA that are slowing us down (Clarion, we're looking at you) and it's past our bedtime. So we'll just give you this link here to the official-looking results. Wake us up if anything crazy happens.
