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This Week In Crime


Another beautiful Wednesday, another glorious DP crime log! We've gone through it and picked out the weirdest bits of mischief so you don't have to trudge through all the reports of stolen car radios (seriously, though - some car radio thief is on a roll). Let's take a look, shall we?

The usually strange annals of fraud were remarkably tame this week, but one charge stood out. While two poor souls reported fraudulent credit card charges at Bank of America and the 3500 block of Chestnut Street, one male student had someone wrongfully use his card at the Radian. Hey, thief, here's an objective opinion: if you're paying your rent on stolen credit cards, it might be time to find a cheaper place. Just a suggestion.

In the wee hours of September 12th, some dude from Princeton (the town, not the school) apparently got up in some officers business on 39th and Sansom and was thusly arrested. It's great to have fun and let loose before classes get grueling, but in the future, try to leave the cops out of it. Nothing throws a damper on a great night of broin' out at Blarney faster than an arrest.

On the 10th, a female student reported that her unattended bag was stolen from (brace yourself) White Dog. Has it come to this? First Chili's gets tricked into serving free dinner, and now our unattended possessions are no safer at White Dog than they are at Van Pelt? How long must we wait for order to be restored to West Philadelphia dining establishments?

Also, some dude stole from FroGro, while another stole a phone from T-Mobile. See you next week!
