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The Case Of The Deer Head: A Grad School Mystery


A demonic-looking man. A med school frat. A deer head. What do these have in common? They're clues.

It started out with a sorta weird photo being sent to our tips line. Some crazy dude was running down the street Friday night with a deer head. While we thought this was kind of odd, we chalked it up to the stuff that goes down at night and went about our business. But then, we learned there was more to the story. And it was sinister.

Enter the members of Nu Sigma Nu. As the med-school frat on campus (we know, wtf), they live at 39th and Spruce. They're known for two things: being repressed med school students, and throwing massive ragers twice a year to forget that. One such rager was this Friday night.

A casual conversation. A party that got out of hand. A mysterious drunk dude. CLUES.

In a chance chat with these frat bros (and gals; they're co-ed), we discovered that, while they enjoyed their semesterly blackout, they were upset to find that several items were missing the morning after. An ipod, a laptop, and.... a deer head.

After looking at the picture above, they were able to confirm that this guy was at their party and yes, that was definitely their deer head. A quick email round their various listservs identified this man as a first-year vet school student. Was he stealing this deer to practice on? Or was it something more sinister?

The world may never know. If you have any information on this man, please contact the UTB Amateur Detective Line immediately.
