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Do You Have What It Takes?


Do you have what it takes to write for UTB? Email franklin@underthebutton.com by midnight on Friday 9/13 with a 5-page letter to the editor to apply. Jk just say "Hey I want an app" and you should be good.

Humor and Creativity. I started writing for UTB during my sophomore year. I never thought I'd stay on for this long, but I quickly fell in love with the site after learning how easy it is to express my humor in a creative and relatable way. I can't imagine Penn without UTB.

Awareness. Writing for this blog has made me so much more aware of what's going on around me. We post a lot of news stories that wouldn't show up in any other publication. UTB writers foster connections externally and pump in information internally, both of which augment the staff's diverse arsenal of knowledge and keep us on our toes for new information.

It's fun. Knowing that your writing is going to be seen by thousands of students each time you submit a post is intimidating, sure. But putting in the time to make a post that will make thousands of students collectively gasp or lol is SO worth the challenge. Trust me.
