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Penn Announces 2-Month Closure of Spruce Street for Daily School-Sponsored Darties Following Student Concerns Over St. Patrick's Day Regulations

(03/14/24 1:00pm)

In the past week, the University of Pennsylvania has imposed a series of restrictions and penalties on social gatherings and events organized by on- and off-campus social organizations, as mandated by the Office for Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL). OFSL and the University’s administration introduced these sanctions following the implementation of the University-wide Action Plan to combat Patty’s darties. 

Insider Scoop: Amy Wax Called Me a Filthy Arab Immigrant & Put Me in a Chokehold

(03/21/24 5:15pm)

I. Am. Shaking. I am enchained within my tower (studio room with my cat) due to the horrific events of Monday, February 26th 2024. A fever of 38.7c —sorry idk what it is in fahrenheit-– plagues me, my chest tightens with every breath, and this curse grows stronger with each passing step that Amy Wax takes in Penn Carey Law. I fell victim to her, for I was the one who took this picture of her strolling through the building casually with her protection charms all around her neck.

Quad Custodian Unearths Stunning 9 Foot Long Cum Fossil in Boys' Shower Drain

(03/02/24 5:00pm)

UPPER QUAD, FLOOR 2, 8:04 AM ET – When Ben the bathroom guy stumbled into the boys’ bathroom this morning, lukewarm Wawa coffee in hand, he had no reason to expect his daily inspection and cleaning to be any different than it always was. Check the toilets, yup, covered in shit and piss. The trash can, uh-huh, shit and piss. The faucet was covered in blood, which was a little out-of-the-ordinary, but not unheard of. And, of course, the showers: also covered in shit and piss.

OP-ED: Sorry I Took That $90k. It Went to a Better Cause.

(03/01/24 6:18pm)

If you haven’t heard about it in the news recently, the Wharton Graduate Association is in a little bit of hot water. Our mishandling of charity funds have strained our relationship with the greater Philadelphia community. My peers are losing confidence in our ability to serve as an effective student government, and several of our members have already resigned in protest. The Penn community’s shaken trust in our leadership threatens our ability to hold successful Fight Nights in the future. The Boys & Girls Clubs of Philadelphia have even gone so far as to plead with us, telling us that “[the] kids really need this money.” And even if no one’s saying it, the question’s looming large in everyone’s minds: Are we really doing this for the kids? Or are we just in it for the cash? As controversy brews, I realize we haven’t been transparent with the Penn student body; my guilty conscience implores me to speak out.

Has This Generation Gone Too Soft? Not Me, Thanks to Himsᵀᴹ

(02/27/24 5:00pm)

If you’ve ever worked with kids in your life, you’ll know that they’re quick to dub every social interaction they don’t like “bullying” — anything from a glancing side-eye to hushed whispers in the back of a classroom to a well-timed swirly against an unsuspecting nerd. But this wasn’t always the case. In fact, what we now jump to call “bullying” and “ostracisation” used to be considered valid and even necessary forms of social correction. Indeed, schoolyard bullies perform a socially valuable form of public service as we aim to raise a diverse, well-socialized population that takes out its repressed childhood traumas against its peers in the boardroom.

Charlotte’s Surprise Pregnancy: Stingray Jesus or Classic Case of 2-Sharks-1-Stingray Threesome?

(02/27/24 5:00pm)

Charlotte, a stingray in an aquarium in North Carolina, has fast become a celebrity. One might say she is the Virgin Mary of aquariums. She is the only stingray in the aquarium, accompanied by two sharks. One of these sharks is actually named Gabriel… seemingly pointing to the anticipated arrival of the marine environment's lord and savior. 

Fiji Hosts Case Race for Palestine

(02/26/24 5:00pm)

LOCUST WALK, PENN CAMPUS – Fed up with Israel’s genocide and feeling helpless within the establishment resistance movement, the brothers of Phi Gamma Delta this week decided to direct their frustration towards a noble cause of their own. This Friday around noon, they plan to post up out front their crib and race. Race for a solution. Race for peace. Race for, of course, a ceasefire. 

Israel Agrees to Ceasefire So Long as Palestine Renames Itself to Palestein

(02/25/24 6:16pm)

As many of you have heard from your primary news source (Sidechat), there is currently war abroad in the Middle East. While you have heard compelling arguments supporting Israel and Palestine from experts at the top of their fields (socialist girls and frat guys who have taken one poly sci class), breaking news shows that there is new information regarding the conflict. Although these experts love to use buzz words and information they learned from reliable news organizations (TikTok), the information has been proven incorrect. 

CS Student Swears He Didn’t Buy Apple Vision Pro To Watch VR Porn

(02/26/24 5:00pm)

A Computer Science Student was reported to be the first Penn student to purchase the Apple Vision Pro after staying up all night before launch day, wet with anticipation. After posting “Purchased this bad boi ✌️” on his Instagram story, the student was overwhelmed with a flurry of messages from friends asking him why he bought it. The inbound soon turned from curious to accusatory as the student faced a barrage of texts wondering if he had bought the Apple Vision Pro primarily for sexual intentions.

Mr Beast’s $1 Million Challenge “How Many Items Can You Steal From Pret In 30 Seconds”

(03/01/24 5:00pm)

Students were flabbergasted today at the sight of a huge golden cube filled with cash and diamonds on Locust Walk. Loud screams, shattered glass, and ripped napkins were witnessed from outside of Pret. Bright lights, expensive film cameras, and trailers lined the entrance of Huntsman Hall. This sounds like the set of a dystopian horror movie, but students were surprised to hear that it was all for a controversial new video soon to be released by viral Youtuber Mr Beast.

OFSL to Offer Philanthropy Credit for Penn Global Seminars in “Third-World Countries”

(02/25/24 8:07pm)

OFSL has done it again! Staying true to their legacy of empowering students to catalyze change at home and beyond, OFSL has found yet another way to promote community service on campus. Starting Fall 2024, all sisters and brothers who visit a “third-world country” will earn philanthropy credit for their respective Greek organization. 

Antisemitism Does Not End Your Career, Bad Music Does: A Vultures Case Study

(02/22/24 5:00pm)

Described as their ‘most coherent’ album by Rolling Stone, Vultures I is Ye’s and Ty Dolla $ign’s newest collaboration. Indeed, it is the most coherent, in the sense that you hear a toddler playing with a broken synthesizer in every single song. Critics have talked about the polarizing lyrics and persona that Ye demonstrates. But they’re missing the point: they're mad only because he’s a nazi, we're mad because that shit was ass.
