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​Student’s Proudest Moment of Semester Getting 500 Likes on Penn Meme Page

(06/02/18 5:58pm)

College sophomore Justin Rankin finished the semester with a 3.8 GPA, completed writing seminar requirement, and internship at a Fortune 500 company. However, he boasts that his proudest moment of the semester was breaking 500 likes in the Official Unofficial Penn Squirrel Catching Club.

​High School Reunion Uneventful: No One’s Gotten Fat Yet

(05/31/18 12:17pm)

Last Thursday, the Spence School hosted its annual luncheon for the new college graduates. Katie Wilson (C’18) was delighted for the opportunity to rank herself against her former classmates, only to realize, much to her dismay, that no one in her graduating class has gotten fat yet. For Wilson, there would be no salacious rumors about pregnancies or adult-onset diabetes. Rather, the vast majority of the girls in attendance had only gotten more attractive with age.

Junior Who Thought They Were Cool for Hanging out with Only Seniors Scrambling to Lock Down Friends for Next Year

(05/09/18 12:25am)

Things were looking bright for Elizabeth Wrankin (C’19) when she came into her first semester at Penn. On the first night of NSO, she ventured out with twenty of her closest hallmates for a dismal evening of drinking Banker’s with no chaser and getting scooped from behind by sweaty frat bros. Instead, she found the holy grail of NSO: A group of sophomores drinking beer on their porch and observing the partygoers.

Meet the Tens of Students Who Are Secretly Excited for The All-American Rejects

(04/13/18 12:29pm)

The 2018 Fling lineup has already become infamous for not at all reflecting student preferences, but is it as unpopular as everyone thinks? UTB went deep to investigate, administering a campus-wide survey to assess the feelings of the student body regarding the booking of The All-American Rejects. The results were unequivocal: over twenty students, all of whom wish to remain anonymous, are excited to see The All-American Rejects. So why are people making it seem that no one is excited for the show?

Fling Alternatives: Come Listen to Fall Out Boy in Warwick 107 Tonight at 8

(04/14/18 2:43pm)

Penn may have moved fling out of the quad, but College freshman David Koenig is moving fling right back in. Riepe residents woke up Friday morning to find their hall plastered with fliers inviting them to the biggest on-campus event of the weekend: drinking Banker’s in Koenig’s double and listening to Fall Out Boy.

OP-ED: This Class May Just Be Your Foundational Requirement, but It's in My Major. Show Some Respect.

(04/10/18 4:22pm)

You must be so happy that you found a course that fills both the Physical World and QDA requirements. Really got two birds stoned at the same time, huh? And it’s easy too! You must feel like the luckiest kid in DRL. I'm going to let you in on a secret, though: This class is for my major, so show some goddamn respect.

Sophomore Throws Party to Celebrate Major Declaration

(04/18/18 10:29am)

April has always been relatively devoid of any opportunity to party, but College sophomore Samuel Bloom has found an event that any Penn student can celebrate: his faculty advisor has finally signed his major declaration form, and Bloom wants all of his closest friends and acquaintances to come celebrate the first day of the rest of his life.

OP-ED: I’d Delete My Facebook, but I Don’t Know Any of My Friends' Birthdays

(04/01/18 5:02pm)

Facebook is the devil. Fake news, FOMO, unrealistic beauty standards, playing Words with Friends during class. Data leaks, cyber bullying, murders broadcasted on livestream. The 2016 elections, sad videos of starving polar bears, stalking your ex and his dumb new girlfriend. Political debates in comment threads, a newsfeed full of Under the Button posts, the 2016 elections. Everything about it makes me want to delete my account and throw my computer in the Schuylkill.

Local Hero: This TA Just Gives out the Answer During Office Hours

(03/19/18 4:52pm)

An exclusive source has revealed that GEOL 100 TA Kaitlin Jacobs (C ’18) took the class three years ago and doesn’t remember any of the material, but she does have the answer key, so people can check their answers if they want. The source also reported that Jacobs often angled her laptop screen towards the students, allowing them to look over her shoulder as she searched through the answers. 

Study Shows 99% of Students Who Hate Making Small Talk on Locust Love Making Small Talk About How Much They Hate It

(03/16/18 9:45pm)

It’s the same thing every day. Students with headphones in, eyes fixed on the ground or glued to phones, hustling to get to their destination before they run into a polite acquaintance (or, like, are late to a meeting or something). The Penn student body is wildly diverse, but everybody can agree on one thing: making small talk on Locust sucks.

OP-ED: Of Course I Use Septa, How Do You Think I See My Two Friends at Drexel?

(02/28/18 8:08am)

I know what you’re thinking, and it’s absolutely not true. I may have every driving app on my phone, but the truth is: I only use them for emergencies. You know, like if I’m running late, or it’s snowing. I never use Uber; their CEO sucks— but I do keep the app on my phone for real emergencies, like if Lyft’s rates are too high. So how, you might ask, do I visit my two friends at Drexel? The answer is simple: I take SEPTA.
