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Seniors: Five Signs It’s Time to Start Lying About Your Age

(02/20/21 4:44pm)

We’re all accustomed to lying about our ages. For many years, we had to lie upwards in order to buy booze and get into bars. Then, one day, bam! You’re old enough to drink. And then wham! People will be asking about your life plans, talking about trends you don’t understand, and making you feel old for still taking introductory lectures. Don’t let this happen to you. Start lying about your age before the world attempts to thrust responsibilities upon you that provide nothing but stress and general confusion. 

Breaking! Campus Just as Lonely and Boring as Staying Home

(02/17/21 3:21am)

 Students flocked to campus a month ago, eager for a new year and all that campus had to offer. They were so excited to experience the joy and happiness that has eluded them for the past few months. They could not wait to change their surroundings, only to find themselves shocked that the loneliness followed them all the way to Philadelphia. If this pandemic is apparently global does that mean they can never escape their boredom? Or perhaps all along they’ve been the thing stopping themselves from achieving happiness. No, that’s not possible--it’s not as though they sabotage themselves by having 7+ hours of screen time, eating 1.5 meals a day, and sleeping only 4 hours. The problem has to be Penn. 

No, Seriously. Why Is Every TA Hot?

(02/26/21 3:58pm)

I’m just curious about if it’s a University policy to only allow hotties to become teaching assistants. It seems too consistent a pattern to not have any sort of institutional backing. If not, then where do they all come from? Does Amy Gutmann herself hand select each chiseled jawline, each perfect cheekbone, each luscious lock? Why are there so many of them? Does she breed them in the basement of College Hall, like dogs? Dogs with the eyes of angels and the jawlines of Adonises? Dogs with beaming smiles and the time management skills of a pro-league referee?

Five Subtle Ways to Signal That You Are Involved With Greek Life

(02/24/21 3:20am)

In these times of social distancing, the last thing anyone wants to see on their timelines is a picture or video bunch of people hanging out. It is viscerally eerie at this point to see any representation of any number of people convened indoors, especially if they don’t have masks on. Sometimes it feels like no one on social media even knows that we’re living through a global pandemic.

People Cheer as Cocky February Birthdays Are Finally Taken Down by Corona

(02/16/21 2:26am)

February birthdays faked empathy last year as March and April birthdays were ruined by the pandemic, but let’s face it, they didn’t really care. They were honestly relieved that they didn’t need to do anything for their other friend’s birthdays besides shoot them a text. Campus was empty and now they didn’t need to share their alcohol with the pandemic birthday boy. But how did that work out for them in the long run huh?
