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OP-ED: I'm Passionate About Math, Unless I Get a B on This Midterm

(11/20/18 9:52pm)

At a pre-professional place like Penn, people have trouble looking past salary figures when justifying their career choices. This needs to change. College is the time for discovering your passions! For instance, I love math more than anything else in the world. I’m so deliriously passionate that nothing could ever sway me, not even an A- on Friday’s midterm.

OP-ED: Choosing Your Child's Major is a Personal Decision—There's No Need to Rush

(10/30/18 5:22am)

College is a time full of endless possibilities. It’s very understandable if you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with all of the choices your child must navigate. That’s why I’m here to give you a few words of encouragement: no matter how scary things seem, you are more than capable of choosing a safe, prudent life path for your son or daughter.

New CIS Course Prepares Students to Be Devoured By Oncoming Robot Overlords

(09/29/18 3:23pm)

Penn’s CIS department prides itself on anticipating industry trends and preparing its students to lead the technological world of tomorrow. So when department chair Vikram Singh announced the creation of CIS 435, students were eager to see what was in store for their field of study. The course, formally titled “Technological Citizenship: Preparing Yourself to be Eaten by the Robot Uprising,” will be available to students this spring.

Oboe Prodigy Plans to Graduate by Taking 72 Half-Credit Music Lessons

(09/26/18 4:14pm)

Curt Curtis (C ‘22) had a single dream growing up. Recognized at the age of two for his precocious musical ability, Curt found himself on track to be the greatest oboe player of our generation. But it all fell apart when Curt (who had his name legally changed at the age of seven) received a rejection letter from the Curtis Institute of Music. Bitter and defeated, he settled for Penn.
