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Only 33 shopping days 'til the next advanced registration!

(10/01/08 7:16pm)

It's only October and drop period hasn't even ended yet, but we're already desperately bored of our classes and foaming at the mouth to pick new ones.  Picking classes is so much more fun than actually taking them!  It's such a nice dreamy lull when you're still optimistic about all the learning you're going to do this semester--then the first midterm/paper hits, and you hate your life all over again.

Gentlemen, Scholars and Study Abroggers

(09/30/08 4:00pm)

During the fall of junior year, many eager Penn students leave the coccoon of Philadelphia for the unknown shores of Europe, South America and beyond. For these members of their own little temporary "lost generation," starting an abroad blog (or abrog, if you will) is as much a rite of passage as the journey itself.  In this occasional feature, we will spotlight one such blog.

Penn Trustee lands magazine cover story

(09/29/08 10:11pm)

Your parents write them tuition checks every semester, but other than that, what do you really know about "the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania," if that is in fact their real name?  Well, one of them is on the cover of fancy-schmancy business magazine Conde Nast Portfolio this month, so we decided to read the story and see if it might teach us anything about the scary group of men (and a few women, yay!) who boss around Amy Gutmann.

Debate Club: 18 to Quayle, 21 to Dukakis

(09/27/08 5:20am)

The first presidential debate was last night.  And rather than live-blogging it like every other blog on earth, we'd like to talk about where you were when you were watching it.  Samantha Jones once said, "I don’t believe in the Republican party or the Democratic party. I just believe in parties," and that's a philosophy we take to heart. (Except not really, 'cause we're obviously Democrats like 80% of the students at Penn, haha.)

The Green Line Cafe, missed connection mecca

(09/25/08 12:12am)

We like reading Missed Connections on craigslist when we're bored, and while we haven't done a statistical analysis of this or anything, it seems like a lot of them take place at the Green Line Cafe.  This kind of makes sense, since the Green Line is the de facto official hangout of West Philly hipsters, and the only thing hipsters love more than independent coffee shops is craigslist.  So, to all of you sitting at the Green Line, silently yearning after one another, we offer you the same advice we offer to the people that try to use Shoutouts as their own personal risk-free J-date: say something to your object of lust. Out loud.

Jeopardy seeks ballers, shot callers, mathletes

(09/23/08 6:30pm)

Penn students put a lot of time into cultivating a jaded and too-cool-for-school appearance, but we know that somewhere in your little nerdy heart, you've always dreamed of appearing on Jeopardy.  No time like the present, smarty pants.  The game show will conduct an online test next Wednesday, October 1st to cull contenders for its College Championship.  Register online here, and put all that knowledge clunking around your Penn-educated head to good use.  Just think, you could follow in the footsteps of that girl who was on the show last year!  And if you don't make the cut, remember, there's always Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?, your safety game show.


(09/21/08 9:42pm)

As we continue our perusal of this week's "college issue" of the New York Times Magazine, we came across an article about a new online college guide called Unigo.  Check out Penn's page here--normally we would watch some of the videos and summarize them for you, but as we are currently headphone-less in Van Pelt, we cannot.

PhDamn Girl!

(09/20/08 9:13pm)

This weekend's New York Times Magazine has a photoshoot of fashionable professors (titled "Class Acts"--LOLNYT!).  Among the featured is our very own Wendy Steiner of the English department and the Penn Humanities Forum, looking like a sassy cross between Nina Garcia and Cruella De Vil.  This is just like when Amy Gutmann was in Glamour last year, but we think Professor Steiner looks even more fierce!  Check her out:
