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McDonald's Flag is Always at Half Mast Because They Don't Have Anyone Tall Enough To Put It at Full

(03/05/21 5:49pm)

Keen-eyed passerbyers will note that the McDonald’s on Walnut and 40th always has its American flag at half mast. Symbolically, flags flying at half-mast usually signify some sort of grieving, so this begs the question, what is McDonald’s constantly grieving about?

Bill Gates? 5G? The Real Truth Behind DP+

(03/04/21 5:35pm)

The Daily Pennsylvanian has now launched DP+, the new mobile app where users can  better access DP news and content right from their phone. Sounds pretty harmless, right? Well, not quite. You see, the addition of this new software widens the reach (control?) that the DP already has over the student body (and the surrounding Philadelphia area in general). From printed editions, to their fancy website, and the daily emails, they’ve successfully infiltrated every aspect of our lives. 

Meet the Student Responsible for 127 of Penn's 250 Campus Violations

(03/04/21 5:33pm)

Thus far in the semester, there have been 250 reports of people breaking the campus compact, but what they didn't tell you is that no less than 127 of these reports are for one kid, Kevin "Rex" Jones C '22.  Born with a full set of teeth, Jones began his long history of delinquency by biting his sister within moments of his birth. Since then, Jones has been convicted of 2 accounts of arson, an assault, 3 bouts of breaking and entering, 4 public urination offenses, many speeding charges, 1 parking ticket, and 53 accounts of vandalism.

Let’s Make One Thing Clear: Girls Like Bad Boys, And Bad Boys Break the Campus Compact

(03/04/21 5:34pm)

It’s a tale as old as time, girls hate the nice guy and fuck the bad boy. The nice guy sits at home with his little “pod,” trying to protect his grandmother and people he doesn’t even know? The nice guy cares about the community and others, and is a lame-ass little bitch. What girls want is big parties and casual hook up sessions, not Zoom dates with the Green Pass guy. Do you want to get drunk alone and have phone sex over Zoom? I don’t think so. Girls want the baddie with the Red Pass because let’s face it, red is known for being the most seductive color anyway. Do they have loss of appetite and a new rash on their toes or fingers? Frankly, that’s none of your business anyway.

Guy Who Played Penn Masala Song During Make Out Session Not Even in Penn Masala

(03/02/21 3:52pm)

One salacious Saturday night, Stephanie Lopez (C’23) met up with some guy (E’22). After some standard flirting and walking around, the two decided to go back to said guy’s place off campus. The two engaged in some lightly conversations about music and their shared enthusiasm for Kendrick Lamar, Drake, and Dua Lipa. 

Ego of the Weak: Class Board

(03/03/21 12:48am)

Welcome to Ego of the Weak, our weekly segment here at Under the Button where we interview members of the most morally reprehensible, unnecessary, and borderline psychotic clubs on this pathetic campus. For this week’s installment, we’re sitting down with Class Board, Penn’s favorite group of narcissists, to ask them who the fuck they think they are, and why the fuck we should care.

Girl Who Hates Her Birthday Makes Big Deal About Birthday

(03/03/21 1:42pm)

Listen...it’s my birthday today and the one thing you cannot say to me is “Happy Birthday.” It’s one thing if you don’t know it’s my birthday (which is today). I am willing to be the bigger person and forgive you for this heinous mistake. But if you know me and when my birthday is (again, today), how dare you force me to respond to your stupid little birthday message.

Penn Sophomore Experience: Tied Up at the Bottom of NCH West, Eating Dog Shit

(03/03/21 1:44pm)

Following the recent announcement to require all sophomores to be on a dining plan, Penn has elaborated on its plan to enhance Penn's Second Year Experience program. In order to build community around shared meals and combat food insecurity, sophomores will now be locked up at the very bottom of New College House West, eating dog shit.

BREAKING: A New Annotation Has Been Added to Your Canvas Submission

(03/24/21 1:00am)

When you go walking by night up a street and your phone, deep in your pocket – buried under your PennCard, gloves, earphones, and two stray packets of hot sauce – buzzes, well, you don’t fetch it, not even if it’s your depressed friend calling, not even if it’s your parents trying to reach you after months of silence, not even if it’s that boy, but you let it buzz.

OP-ED: COVID-19 Sucks, But Old People Suck More

(03/01/21 2:20pm)

Listen, I’m not anti old people - I need to make that clear right off the bat. I just think that before we have a conversation about the negative effects of COVID-19, we should just quickly talk about the negative effects of the elderly. It really is nothing personal, I love ¾ of my grandparents dearly, I just think that right now, given our current circumstances with everything, they just may not be the best fit...for the world. And yeah I get it, life, regardless of whose it is, has intrinsic value...yada yada yada. But guys, come on. Let’s drop the act -- old people gotta go. Where’s my silent majority at on this one. 
