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Jon Huntsman to Reinstate Donation After “Feeling Represented” by Penn President For First Time Since 1993 All-Female Run

(02/19/24 1:43am)

Following the initiation of blue-eyed dirty blond J. Larry Jameson as interim president, Jon Huntsman Jr. has declared a reinstatement of his donation following his October 2023 pull out. While he publicly stated this was due to Penn’s “silence in the face of reprehensible and historic Hamas evil against the people of Israel,” leaked documents have revealed that he had grown resentful of the Penn presidency's lack of diversity. Finally, Huntsman can see himself in(side) the Penn President again. 

OP-ED: I Was Lulled to Sleep by My Upstair Neighbor’s Stroke Game Last Night. Do better, lil Bro.

(02/17/24 11:57pm)

After a long day of SABSing, trying to read 5 pages, and going to office hours to feel like I did something, I finally tucked myself into bed. My diffuser was on. My blinds were let down one-quarter to block the morning sun. I did my skincare routine for the first time this semester. I even took a #phat dose of Benadryl. Everything was in place for me to fall asleep deeply and immediately.  

BREAKING: Penn To Arrest Every White Person in a Wasian Couple

(02/18/24 12:00am)

On Feb. 15, Penn released a notice alerting its student population participating in interracial relationships that they would be under University investigation within the coming days. This notice outlined that if these couples were found to be racially 50% Asian (East, South, etc.) and 50% White, they would be promptly put on academic probation, and those comprising the White demographic would be identified and questioned by Penn Police. 

Hotshot Candidate for Penn Presidency Hosts Israeli Writers Conference in Genius Move

(02/15/24 5:00pm)

COLLEGE GREEN, PENN CAMPUS – Fellow Quakers, I’m standing here on the steps of Van Pelt and I’m beholding something truly inspiring. Veemo Schmelock, an upandoming prospect for first pick in the 2024 Penn President Draft, is putting himself on the MAP. The 43-year-old co-director of unsolicited Hillel emails has taken it upon himself to host an Israeli Writers Conference.

Ah, Youth: I Saw Toddlers Playing on the Ben Franklin Bench

(02/14/24 2:00pm)

I see you, young ones. Grasp your short, pudgy fingers around our dearest founder's copper arm, like it is a turnstile of youth, and climb. Climb, free as a dove, to the mountain's peak of your childhood. I will stop, at the edge of Locust, and watch you with my mouth slightly agape, something inside of me moved, to tears, by this display of juvenile innocence.

Amidst Rising RSV Cases, Pottruck Gymbros Are Requested to Wipe Down Mirrors After Solo Make-Out Sessions

(02/13/24 9:24pm)

The dense air in Pottruck reeks of sweat, but it is a fragrance of self-love. Nothing is more important than valuing yourself, feeling good about your appearance, and being comfortable in your own skin. Pottruck gymbros are the masters of that mindset. A recent interviewee, "Sigma Brad" (C '24) shared with UTB that he has never felt more appreciative of his body: "Look at me man, I’m huge, what’s not to like," he said while valiantly fighting the urge to admire himself in the mirror. Following this heroic act, he proceeded to make-out with the mirror. 

Blimey! Daily NYT Crossword Doers have Especially Weak Grasp of 18th Century English Literature

(02/12/24 7:14pm)

What’s more abundant in an ENGL 1000 level course than literature and Owala bottles? I’ll tell you. Serial NYT Mini doers. If you ever enroll in an English class where laptops are allowed–a rarity these days–be sure to do the Mini and any other daily mind games lest you want to carry the intellectual embarrassment that your 3 turn Wordle was aided by Emily-who-sits-in-front-of-you’s discovery that “I” was the middle letter. Be diligent, there’s nothing stopping Ems from cycling through the Mini, Wordle, and Connections, and then moving on to the Washington Post Crossword and the impossible 6+ letter Wordles that she just seems to ace. Pretty intimidating, right?

4 Essential Tips to Care for your Single Roommate Who Gets No Play

(02/13/24 9:12pm)

Despite the seemingly endless love in the air this time of year, some of us on campus are just stuck in their no hoes-having, no dick-sucking, no rizz-employing ways. And unfortunately, living together with these undesirable types can kind of be a bummer. That’s why, this Valentine’s Day, we at UTB have amassed a core set of caring techniques for those with roommates who get no play. Read below: 

Mark’s Cafe to Relocate From Van Pelt Basement to Chicago’s O-Block to Reduce Chances of Being Robbed

(02/07/24 11:33pm)

Welp. You motherfuckers have done it now. After three thousand years of rich history, an organization more influential than the Greek, Roman, German, Persian, and Mongolian empires combined, not to mention every Chinese Dynasty, the Soviet Union, the human race, and Laufey, has been purged from our campus. Mark’s Cafe is leaving the Van Pelt basement and moving to the greener pastures of O-Block, Chicago.
