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How to Avoid Getting Covid

(04/28/21 6:43pm)

One year ago today, I stood where you are standing today: indoctrinated by leftist media’s fantasized tales of this “pandemic” and the “election”. But I stand here today a free man. Not only free of infectious lies told by Bill Gates, his unlawful wife Melinda, and their sex slave sweat shop they call their “Foundation”, but free of all of my “friends” who blocked me on facebook after I posted the undoctored photo of JFK’s assasination, with Obama holding a blowdart gun just feet away from this car. 

Advanced Registration, Finding a Subletter, and 4 Other Activities Guaranteed to Give You a Blood Clot

(04/27/21 8:41pm)

For all the anti-vaxxers, anti-waxxers, anti-inheritance-taxxer, and anti-sexual-climaxxers out there - do you commonly find yourself wishing that you too had equal access to life-threatening blood clots? Have you been feeling like J&J holds an unfair monopoly on medical thrombi, and are you ready to protest it like the cute little overly-idealistic socialist that you are?

Admissions Committee Announces That 70% Of Senior Class Would Not Be Admitted and Does Not Deserve to be Here

(04/29/21 6:12pm)

The University of Pennsylvania class of 2025 had a record-low acceptance rate combined with the largest application pool in history. Many took this as it was, a clear sign to the world that Penn is now more than just a name to drop into gritty financial dramas on premium television networks. Penn is a name worth dropping into other TV shows, like the Gossip Girl reboot or the Pretty Little Liars reboot. That is to say, Penn is now truly elite, which is also the name of a TV show that could potentially namedrop Penn.

College Admissions Offices Promise to Preserve Legacy of Cultural Bias Even Without SAT Scores

(04/23/21 5:55pm)

Although the SAT is now officially optional on all Penn applications, the College Admissions Office has promised its students that it will not be doing away with its legacy of cultural bias, a cornerstone of Penn’s illustrious reputation. They will simply be getting more creative with how they judge students. 

Never Have I Ever with Penn Class of 2025

(04/23/21 5:56pm)

This past weekend I got the chance to play Never Have I Ever with Penn Class of 2025...the entire Penn Class of 2025. Since Penn decided to cancel this year’s Quaker Days due to the ongoing pandemic, they have been juggling replacement ideas. After much deliberation, they decided to stuff the entire class into a cathedral (we also don't know why) with nothing besides 1000 handles of $8 vodka, a mysterious concoction called “The Truth Serum”, one glow stick, and me. 

Amy Gutmann Vows to Achieve Net-Zero Salary Increase by 2050

(04/22/21 3:01pm)

In a brilliant display of leadership and selflessness, Amy Gutmann has announced a net-zero salary increase goal for herself by the end of 2050. After years of taking on larger and larger paychecks, Gutmann has decided that she is ready to begin the process stepping back from her role as top breadwinner on campus. The stress of handling and transferring such massive amounts of money into her bank accounts have begun to take a toll on her mental health and her ability to act as a campus leader when the students need her. As a result, she will be seeking to find other ways to spread this saved money to other programs on campus that need it. One such long-term project will be the construction of a campus monument built to resemble our current president and offer comfort to students who find themselves wondering where their family’s hard-earned money is going.

Students Kicked from Campus as Penn’s Acceptance Rate Drops into the Negatives

(04/20/21 2:26am)

 Every year, the acceptance rates of elite colleges seem to drop to another unbelievably low level. In an effort to stay ahead of the curve and finally prove themselves as the most elite, Penn’s admissions committee has announced that for the 2020-2021 application season, the acceptance rate for the incoming class has dropped below zero to -5.3%. “This is an unprecedented level of eliteness that other schools wish they could achieve”, declared Amy Guttman in the rejection letter sent to every single high school senior that applied this admissions cycle. “It is also important to note that we are not ready to be complacent with our current student population.” 
