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Oof, This Confused Freshman Thinks Bowl is a Kazoo

(10/28/19 2:00pm)

Henry Coleman (E ‘23) was just starting to find his niche. He’d decided not to remain friends with his NSO group, despite the Halloween costume they were planning to do together, and was getting pretty tight with a new squad. The group was hanging out in the common room of the Gamma Upsilon Yamma Zeta (GUYZ) house when, according to Coleman, someone took out a “fancy looking kazoo.”

How to Adjust Your Velcro Shoes During a Midterm

(10/08/19 7:48pm)

It’s midterm season and students are looking for all kinds of ways to get ahead. For classes graded on a curve, there can be incentives to sabotage your classmates for personal gain. We crunched some data and figured out the perfect way to distract other students during an exam: adjusting your velcro shoes. Here are the step-by-step directions for adjusting your velcro shoes during a midterm.

Yikes: Britain Just Used Their Last Extension, Next Time They Lose a Letter Grade

(04/04/19 10:53pm)

Oof, that’s gonna hurt. It’s only the beginning of April, and Britain has already used all of their extensions for the semester. The next time they fail to meet a deadline, their grade will go down by a full letter grade per late day. Considering the lengthy period that Britain had to complete the project, a full 1,009 days since it was assigned, it’s hard to be optimistic about their future timeliness. With heavy midterm weeks, Fling, and at least one mental breakdown in their future, Britain is looking at some tough deadlines before the semester is over.

Wow! This Formal DJ Used Transitions Between Songs

(12/15/18 4:32pm)

Tech wizard alert! When Liza Jenkins walked into her formal last week, she was expecting a normal evening with mediocre music. In the past, DJs hired by her sorority were always pretty good, but they didn’t do anything fancy. The best nights were when the DJ played her favorite song "Mr. Brightside" by The Killers. A lot of people haven’t heard of it, but some DJs would take it as a request.

Help! My Grandma Started Using the Word Drip!

(12/13/18 12:56pm)

Ah, the holidays. It’s a time when we get to return home and spend time with our everyone in our families from our cool older sister to our weird and kind of racist uncle. We can look forward to getting questions like “have you met a nice boy yet?” and “what are you majoring in?” and “well that seems like fun, but what are you really majoring in, you know, for career prospects?” We can also look forward to gorging ourselves on food and lying on the couch for extended periods of time.

BREAKING: Local Dog Population Fucking Pissed About This NCH West Business

(11/30/18 5:41pm)

Construction of New College House West will begin next week, just in time to create a pleasant soundtrack of jackhammers and dynamite for students studying for finals. Despite the University’s best efforts to cater to students’ needs in their construction of the new residential building, it seems that the administration was not thinking about everyone affected. Indeed, the local dog population in University City is reportedly “fucking pissed.”

Freshman Shocked That Class Right Before Thanksgiving Isn’t Spent Making Hand Turkeys

(11/20/18 2:17am)

Louisa Ferman (E ‘22, W ‘22) walked into OIDD 101 this Tuesday with her creative juices already flowing. After several difficult midterms and papers last week, it was finally the week of Thanksgiving. For her whole life, the class right before Thanksgiving has been a highlight that outshined even Thanksgiving itself: making hand turkeys. While Ferman was not usually a particularly artistic person, she could make a damn good hand turkey.
