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BREAKING: My Mom Wants Everyone to Know That This Season of 'Outlander' Has Way Less Sex in It

(02/15/21 7:42am)

When thinking of the greatest fantasy TV shows of the past decade, your mind is likely to go one of two places: Game of Thrones and Outlander. These two incredible, thought-provoking shows of equal cultural impact have brought joy to the hearts of millions. Surely, you have experienced that same sudden rush of excitement when you hear the "Game of Thrones Main Title" (DA da DA DA da da) as you do with the "Skye Boat Song" (“sing me the song of a lad that is gone”). 

Wild! Despite Student Body Twitter Presence, High Schoolers Still Think Penn Is Cool

(02/16/21 2:22am)

Everyone on Twitter knows about the Penn student body's hatred for Penn. On any given day, one can search "p*nn" and come face to face with dozens of Tweets from current attendees bashing the school. Yet even with this widely available knowledge, for an unknown reason, high schoolers still think that Penn is cool and continue to apply. This year, Penn had its largest applicant pool yet forcing students to consider one key question: why?

Hold up! How Did Wendell Get My Number?

(02/12/21 5:27pm)

Students were shocked when they received a University COVID update via text on Friday night. Upon checking their phones, students felt conflicted seeing that they had received a text from none other than Provost Wendell Pritchett. While some were honored to be graced with a message from the provost, others felt that a standard University email would have been a sufficient approach.

Wendell Pritchett Not Mad, Just Disappointed

(02/11/21 5:00am)

 After sending both the text and email scolding the students of Penn for the recent Covid breaks, Wendell came to tuck the students in for the night. As he sat at the edge of their bed he told them that he wasn’t actually mad at them, just disappointed. He knew that they were bright, good kids but that he expected more from them. The students explained how hard the past year has been, and how they no longer wished to have consequences for their actions. Wendell knew that they were just misguided rugrats that needed a little love and support to stop them from killing the innocent people in West Philly. 

Instagram to Add Warning Before Any Happy Couple Post

(02/11/21 5:00am)

Trigger warnings can be helpful when you just don’t want to deal with the shittiness of reality. From disturbing news videos to naked women, warnings protect young children and adults approaching their wits' end. Finally Instagram has decided to warn us about the horrors of that 19-year-old Catholic high school couple that got engaged by adding trigger warnings before the post. The warning text reads “Happy couple alert! They might be kissing, holding hands, or proposing. Are you sure you’re mentally stable enough to feel the weight of your own loneliness?” Now instead of facing the reality that you haven’t felt another human touch since 2018, you can simply bottle your emotions! It’s a trick that white, WASP-y families have mastered centuries ago. 
