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Choose Your Own Adventure: Will You Resist Your Cousin’s Sexual Advances in Quarantine?

(06/12/21 7:39pm)

It is day 37 of quarantine and you live in constant fear of Addie. For the past week you have only left your room to grab a new box of Triscuits and to use the bathroom — you have done everything in your power to avoid your cousin. You know it’s irrational (sweet cousin Addie could hardly swat a fly, let alone kill a human being) but a dreadful feeling in the pit of your stomach has told you to be careful. 

Choose Your Own Adventure: Will You Resist Your Cousin’s Sexual Advances in Quarantine?

(06/12/21 7:39pm)

Desperate times call for desperate measures, but you didn’t think getting run over by a car would be quite as painful as it turned out to be. Several of your bones are broken, and you lie on the street dazed.  Your frame was so soft and minuscule that the driver who hit you hardly noticed that they hit anything at all and kept driving. 

Choose Your Own Adventure: Will You Resist Your Cousin’s Sexual Advances in Quarantine?

(06/12/21 7:40pm)

Addie starts to protest but you’re already halfway up the stairs. You feel as if there might have actually been something important in the closet, but frankly, at this point, you don’t really care. The world is burning anyway. It’s time to return to your middling daily ritual and continue watching Gilmore Girls, pretending that everything’s going well in the world.

Choose Your Own Adventure: Will You Resist Your Cousin’s Sexual Advances in Quarantine?

(06/12/21 7:41pm)

Addie closes her eyes and begins to lean in. Your fist leans in to meet her. Blood erupts from Addie’s nose. Addie howls in pain and grips her face with both hands to staunch the blood flow. While that Jezebel writhes in pain, you grab your Triscuits and sprint up the stairs. At the top, looking back at the hunched-over figure of your cousin, you hiss back down the steps, “This is what you get for fucking with my Triscuits.” And with that, you slam the basement door shut, condemning your cousin to darkness.  

Choose Your Own Adventure: Will You Resist Your Cousin’s Sexual Advances in Quarantine?

(06/12/21 7:41pm)

Finally, this is the moment you’ve been waiting for: Addie was the first to set your loins on fire at the ripe, young age of thirteen, and now at last that primal, juvenile longing will be satiated. Did you lust after them because their features remind you of those of your father? (Yes.) Has this psychosexual desire manifested itself because your father’s emotionally distant attitude has created a lasting void that only cousin Addie can fill? (Yes.) Is it disturbing that you’re actively trying to have sex with your cousin? (Yes.) All these questions should give you pause, but alas, your lips are already on Addie’s. Nothing can save you now. 

Choose Your Own Adventure: Will You Resist Your Cousin’s Sexual Advances in Quarantine?

(06/12/21 7:42pm)

It is Day 34 of quarantine, and, as is now your daily ritual, you are splitting a single Triscuit cracker with Addie. As you each silently nibble on that wheat-based wafer of joy, Addie turns to you. “Do you think I’m hot?” they ask, their eyes as round and innocent as those of Maryellen Larkin, your favorite American Girl doll. 
